Types of inveter protection

Inverters must have various protections so that they can withstand the tests of time. At times, the inverters you design or build are not used by only you. Therefore its advisable to include some basic decision making functions for the inverter to behave at every point as though you are making those decision at those points in time.

Below are some basic inverter protections which can be achieve by using op amps configured as comparators. If you are into programing, you can also include them in your programs, else its advisable to use op amps. 


  • Overload warning alarm with indicator
  • Overload shutdown
  • Low battery alarm
  • Low battery shutdown
  • Over temperature protection with indicator
  • Over battery protection
  • Float charging system
  • Temperature based fan control


  •    Overload warning alarm with indicator: This function monitors the amount of load powered by the inverter.  When the total load connected to the inverter reaches 90% of the rated inverter system, the system alarm triggers with an indicator on. This prompts the user that He or She is about to overload the system.

  • Overload shutdown: This function takes care of overloads and short circuit instances. When overload or short circuit occurs, this function turns off the inverter output to protect the inverter from damage.

  • Low battery alarm and shutdown: This function takes care of battery protection. It is always good to ensure that, the battery of an inverter is not deeply drain to prolong the battery life. During inverter usage, this function monitors the battery level and triggers the system alarm when the battery level reaches a set level. After the alarm, the inverter turns off to protect the battery from over draining.

  •  Over temperature protection with indicator: Every electronic system as well as inverters produces some amount of heat as a result energy conversion and power loss. But this heat should always be in an acceptable level to ensure high efficiency and avoidance of failure.
    The over temperature protection system monitors the system temperature and turn system function (charging or working as inverter) off when system temperature is above acceptable level which is a sign of possible problem.

  • Over battery protection: This function is included to ensure that, if a customer buys the inverter and uses the wrong number of batteries (uses 24V instead of 12V), the system will never turn on until the correct battery system is used.

  • Float charging system: When this charging technique is employed in designing, it ensures that the batteries are always charged without ever overcharging them.

  • Temperature based fan control: The system fan should be designed to turn on only when the system begins to gain heat and turn off after extracting the heat. This function ensures that the inverter system is always silent.
